Spider-Woman #6

Written by Brian Bendis and Illustrated by Alex Maleev / Marvel Comics – In what, so far, has been a sleeper hit, as far as I’m concerned, Brian Bendis continues to shine a light on his favorite character, Jessica Drew, who’s history is more convoluted than most characters who’ve been around twice as long.  Now an agent of S.W.O.R.D., and responsible for tracking down alien refugees hiding on Earth, Spider-Woman has been tracked by Norman Osborn’s black-ops unit, The Thunderbolts, and now they’re looking to put a serious hurtin’ on our main character.  Alex Maleev’s ability to convey the action is intense, and feels like you’re being pulled into the fight alongside the characters.  Bendis is at the top of his game on this one, combining the feel of his creator-owned book “Powers” with his monthly smash “The Avengers”!

Dellec #2

Written by Frank Mastromauro & Vince Hernandez and Illustrated by Micah Gunnell / Aspen Comics – The action in this comic is second to none, and Micah Gunnell’s pencils make sure that readers feel every punch, kick, eye-gouge, and bludgeoning from an energy-infused nightstick with gut-wrenching accuracy.  Frank Mastromauro might be taking a little while to fill readers in on the title character’s purpose, motivation, mission, and other little details, but Dellec is such a bad-ass that it hardly fazes me.  He does introduce a few new characters, and heaps a little bit of mystery on top of the puzzle he’s already concocted.  Now if Aspen could just get the title to ship on a somewhat regular schedule, maybe it might start to catch on.  I’m doing my part; buy it!


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